Yay, we are so happy that you want to register for our second preparatory meeting from 27-29 January 2023 in Cologne.
At this meeting we want to further develop our German-French Youth Congress.
We will send you more information about the programme and travel tickets as soon as possible. Right now we just urgently need an estimate of the number of people who can be there in presence to book an accommodation.
The general working language is English, but the preparatory workshop is of course a good place to practice your French and German. Don’t worry: You do not have to speak perfect English. As long as you can express yourself, everything is fine, we will be supporting each other.
Please register as soon as possible and no later than the 14th of December.
Your arrival and departure information will be requested separately approx. 2 weeks before the workshop.
If you have any questions/wishes/comments, please feel free to contact us via nina.ziller@edu-impact.de and Sabine.Scherer@denkglobal.org
We are looking forward to seeing you and send our best regards,
Nina Ziller from edu:impact, responsible for the peer-to-peer project „Young European Professionals“ (short: YEPs)
Nina Fries, Sabine Scherrer & Paul Langer from denk global, responsible for the peer-to-peer project „team GLOBAL“ (short: TG)