Final check for our meeting in Cologne

Yay, we are so happy to see you soon!

With this last request you confirm your binding participation in the preparation meeting from 27-29 January 2023 in Cologne.

We expect you to participate in the entire program:

  • Friday, from 2pm to 10 pm (official start at 4pm)
  • Saturday from 9 am to 10 pm
  • Sunday from 9 to 14 pm

There will be time for breaks, networking and discovering Cologne!

More information about the program and frequently asked questions you will find in this Google Drive folder.

At this meeting we want to further develop our German-French Youth Congress, e.g. set the motto, discuss formats, sketch a rough draft of the timetable and plan a concrete time frame with next steps (milestones).

Please fill out this form as soon as possible and at the latest by this Thursday 14:00 (12.01), since we need the final number of participants because of the hotel and the catering.

If you have any questions/wishes/comments, please feel free to contact us via , the e-mail address which we will use from now on.

We are looking forward to seeing you and send our best regards,

Nina Ziller from edu:impact, responsible for the peer-to-peer project „Young European Professionals“ (short: YEPs)

Rebecca Werkmann, Sabine Scherrer & Nina Fries from denk global, responsible for the peer-to-peer project „team GLOBAL“ (short: TG)